Block / Timber hides

The block / timber hides we construct are for those locations where they might possibly be subject to vandalism or arson

These hides require a concrete base for the block shell to be built on. Once this is completed the timber cladding is attached to the outside to make it appearmore like a normal timber bird hide

The advantage of this design is that it is much harder for it to be vandalised and also that it is virtually impossible for the hide to be burnt down.

 At the worst the if it is burnt down the inner structure will remain and all it will require is a new timber weatherboard exterior fitting

The other alternative is to construct the block hide and leave it without any external cladding as can be seen in the images to the right where vandalism was a problem.

As can be seen on the photos of the block hides the floor of the hides were raised to a level above the high water mark and concrete ramps installed to assist wheelchair users.

















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